Although it has a taste or aroma that is less appetizing, lettuce offers a variety of benefits. These vegetables are easy to find as fresh vegetables or as a complement to a meal.

Lettuce, which has the scientific name Lactuva sativa, is often dubbed the king of the green vegetable category. There are various benefits of lettuce that are good for supporting your health.

Lettuce is one of the most common green vegetables. These green vegetables are usually used as fresh vegetables for friends to eat rice or decorations in various food menus. However, lettuce is not just vegetables or decoration. Lettuce actually has a variety of benefits for the health of the body.

The nutrients contained in this vegetable have good benefits for skin and hair beauty. For women who want to have bright, soft and smooth skin and healthy hair, they can consume lettuce regularly.

In addition, you will get a variety of other vitamins and minerals when you eat them. You should not skip lettuce because this vegetable contains nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, copper, zinc and additional B vitamins, vitamin C, and vitamin K.

A study found that diligently consuming one cup of lettuce juice will meet 82 percent of the need for vitamin A and 60 percent of the daily need for vitamin K. Moreover, lettuce also contains only eight calories and zero fat.

It’s only natural that lettuce leaves are consumed a lot for those who are implementing a diet program to lose weight. Then, what are the benefits? Here are the benefits of lettuce for health and beauty that are often overlooked, such as summarizing from various sources.

Benefits of lettuce for beauty that are often overlooked

1. Nourish the skin                            

Lettuce has high levels of vitamin A. This content is able to help in the repair and rejuvenation of skin cells.

Consuming about 5-6 lettuce leaves in your daily diet can help your skin feel revitalized.

2. Relieve inflammation of the skin

Lettuce is believed to help relieve skin inflammation. This efficacy has been proven by a number of studies.

Lettuce has anti-inflammatory properties that can solve this problem.

3. Caring for skin beauty

Lettuce is rich in vitamin A and vitamin C which are important for maintaining skin beauty. Vitamin A functions to even out skin tone so that it can overcome skin spots due to sunburn.

While the vitamin C contained makes the skin firmer, brighter, and not easily wrinkled. Eating lettuce can also prevent dry and flaky skin.

Not only consumed, you can also smooth lettuce leaves as a skin care mask from the outside.

4. Protects skin from UV rays

The next benefit of lettuce for beauty is to protect the skin from exposure to UV rays so that your skin stays healthy and fit. This is supported by the effective combination of vitamin C and vitamin E contained in it.

These two ingredients play a role in protecting the skin layer from the harmful rays of the sun.

5. Maintain healthy hair

Drinking lettuce juice can be beneficial in keeping your hair healthy. Lettuce is believed to be used to treat a number of hair-related problems.

The content in lettuce is able to overcome hair loss and dandruff.

6. Youthful skin

Lettuce is known to have a high vitamin C content. Vitamin C contained can meet 72 percent of the body’s needs.

In addition, vitamin C is very important in the formation of collagen and keeps your skin young.

7. Prevents acne

You need to know, the content of vitamin C in lettuce is higher than citrus fruits. Its properties are believed to be able to help prevent acne.

8. Prevent skin cancer

Eating lettuce can prevent skin cancer. Lettuce contains isothiocyanates which play a role in killing malignant cells and restoring normal cell function.


1. Maintain Heart Health

The content of folate in lettuce leaves functions to process an amino acid called homocysteine ​​in the blood. If homocysteine ​​levels are too high, it can cause various heart problems, such as blockage of blood vessels.

2. Good for Minus Eyes

Do you have nearsightedness aka minus eye? You seem to need to be diligent in consuming lettuce leaves.

Minus eyes or nearsightedness can be caused by radiation and everyday free radicals that can damage the retina of the eye, can also cause nearsightedness to blindness. However, you can prevent it with lettuce leaves.

3. Caring for Skin Beauty

Lettuce leaves are rich in essential nutrients for treating skin beauty, such as vitamin A and vitamin C.

The content of vitamin A can even out the skin tone, so it can overcome the striped skin due to sunburn. While the vitamin C in lettuce leaves will make the skin firmer, firmer, and less prone to wrinkles.

4. Helps Lose Weight Loss and Prevent Obesity

As explained earlier, lettuce is suitable as a diet menu for those of you who want to lose weight. Besides being delicious and fresh, lettuce leaves can improve digestion.

5. Overcoming Insomnia

Do you have insomnia or have poor sleep quality? You need to eat lettuce regularly to get better quality sleep.

Lettuce is usually used as a complementary menu or fresh vegetables. But without realizing it, the content of substances in green vegetables is able to eliminate anxiety and reduce anxiety.

You can consume 1-3 pieces of lettuce to help overcome insomnia. This one leaf is also able to relieve headaches, muscle aches and joint pains.

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